To ensure that every kid has the chance to smile without cavities, we are committed to prevention. All children can enjoy lifetime oral health if they receive early and consistent care.
Maintaining the health of primary teeth is crucial. Untreated dental decay or untreated cavities frequently cause issues that impact the growing permanent teeth.
Primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, are crucial for healthy chewing and eating, accommodating permanent teeth and helping them erupt into the proper positions, as well as allowing regular growth of the jaw muscles and bones.
Long-term thumb and pacifier sucking habits can result in crowded, misaligned teeth or bite issues. When their permanent teeth erupt and they are still sucking their thumbs or fingers, your child’s paediatric dentist may suggest a mouthpiece. The majority of kids break these habits on their own.
You can obtain efficient knowledge for your child’s dental health at Tooth fix. We offer a wide variety of procedures that support a child’s tooth and gum health.
We give your child’s molars and premolars cavity protection using tinted or clear plastic materials. These substances prevent plaque, acid, or food particles from penetrating and causing cavities in teeth. Our sophisticated technology enables us to finish this process in a matter of seconds. Children’s dentist – When treating children, we use a variety of treatment philosophies.
Cavities: Bacteria in foods like milk, soda, raisins, candies, sweets, etc. cause tooth decay, often known as cavities. Plaque forms on the teeth as a result of the bacteria’s reaction with the mouth’s acid. Plaque can cause tooth decay or cavities if it is not thoroughly removed by brushing.
Children’s Tooth Sensitivity: Newly erupted teeth, acid erosion, teeth grinding, bruxism, and other causes can cause children’s teeth to become sensitive. If your teeth become sensitive, you must seek medical attention. It may make a youngster feel uneasy and distracting, which may interfere with their routine and ability to concentrate.
Dental emergencies: Children often cause dental-related mishaps when playing sports, fighting with siblings, or falling off a bike. These include teeth that are cracking, breaking, or chipping
Although dental accidents and emergencies can be upsetting for both kids and parents, they are also very common. The percentage of kids who have suffered some kind of dental trauma or emergency is around one-third.
There are two high risk phases for dental trauma: toddlerhood (18–40 months), when environmental exploration starts, and preadolescence/adolescence, when sporting injuries become widespread.