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    Are you having trouble with swollen, sore gums, or severe pain when eating or biting? Get your root canal treatment from us to stop the progression of tooth infection and maintain the aesthetic appeal of your tooth!

    Does root canals hurt?

    Thanks to modern technology, having a deep filling is frequently not all that dissimilar from having a root canal procedure. Considering that the patient is given anaesthesia, a root canal doesn’t pain any worse than getting a filling or having a wisdom tooth pulled. But after a Root Canal Treatment, the tooth might be mildly sensitive, numb, or even unpleasant for a few days.

    The safety of root canals?

    Root canal therapy has been shown to prevent infection and save teeth. There is no scientific proof for the assertion that diseases or issues with the body as a whole can be linked to teeth with root canals.

    We have a team of professionals that will make sure the process is thorough and successful while keeping you as at ease as possible.

    The right time to get a root canal

    The presence of an infection may be indicated by a persistent pain that persists even when you do nothing. And a root canal inspection may be necessary. Below are a few signs:
    1. Facial edoema in the vicinity of the infected teeth
    2. Tooth abscesses
    3. Having trouble eating and opening your mouth
    4. Pain that is throbbing or pulsing
    5. Extremely sensitive to heat and cold.
    See Best Root Canal Doctor immediately if you encounter any of the aforementioned signs or symptoms! Infections left untreated can result in major health problems. We don’t want it to occur to you either!
    For your comfort, visit ToothFix Dental Clinic, a root canal specialist in Mumbai that also uses cutting-edge endodontic equipment. They will deliver a risk-free and successful course of therapy, so you can rely on them!
    The condition of your root canal is assessed by us with the utmost accuracy and effectiveness using cutting-edge diagnostic techniques. In exchange, we will be able to formulate a strategy that will serve you best.

    Benefits of Root Canal Treatment?

    The original tooth may be preserved and saved with the use of a root canal procedure, which also provides the patient with relief from pain and infection.

    What should you know about getting RCT at Tooth fix Dental Clinic?

    Tooth Fix is one of the best root canal dentist clinics in Mumbai, India. It focuses on doing several dental procedures, such as root canal therapy.
    RCT is one of the finest treatments to relieve dental discomfort and prevent a severely decayed tooth from falling out.

    Frequently asked questions

    It’s nothing to worry about if you recently had a root canal but are now feeling some little pain, discomfort, and inflammation. This is normal and a fairly typical problem. Possible temporary discomfort is treatable with prescribed drugs. The treated tooth may first feel different from the untreated teeth after treatment. However, if there is ongoing discomfort, see a dentist.

    • For a few days, avoid eating anything crunchy.
    • Consider consuming soft foods such as ice cream, soups, and fruit juices.
    • Get started with twice-daily tooth brushing.
    • Start cutting back on your consumption of sugar-laden foods.

    After finishing the RCT, one must continue practising proper oral hygiene. To make sure the obscuration treatment was carried out correctly and that there were no signs of infection, an X-ray may be required after treatment. Especially if there was discomfort or an infection prior to the procedure, the tooth may feel sensitive for the first few days after the treatment. There might be brief discomfort, which is manageable with recommended medications. After treatment, the treated tooth may initially feel different from the remaining teeth. However, go to the dentist if there is persistent pain or pressure. Additionally, what to eat after RCT After receiving a root canal, eat soft foods.
    Eat soft foods instead of things that are spicy or hard because they could damage your teeth. In order to avoid biting your cheek or tongue, it is advised to wait a few hours before eating while your mouth is still numb. A sick tooth that has undergone Root Canal treatment may live a lifetime with proper care and attention!
    RCT pain is mild but typical. However, it is only temporary, and RCT is essentially designed to lessen the discomfort of a damaged or rotting tooth.
    After RCT, the tooth loses vitality and becomes lifeless because the pulp was removed.

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