Dental Crowns & Bridges

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Dental Crowns & Bridges

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    When are crowns or bridges required?

    Crowns or bridges may be your best option if you've been seeking for a restorative method for your smile.

    Dental crowns and bridges are used to treat a variety of dental issues.
    1. Protect the tooth that is vulnerable or to hold a shattered tooth’s pieces together.
    2. Rebuilds the tooth that has been damaged by wear.
    3. A dental implant’s cover.
    4. Make a superficial adjustment.
    5. Protect a root canal.
    6. Shield a discoloured tooth.
    7. Contains a substantial combination if insufficient tooth structure is enduring.
    A dentist must evaluate you to determine if you are the best candidate for a crown or bridge. Your dentist will accurately inform you of what is and is not feasible given your situation once you have addressed their concerns.

    What are the Types of Crowns & Bridges?

    Different Types of Dental Bridges

    • Traditional Dental Bridges
    • Cantilever Bridges
    • Maryland Bridges
    • Implant-Supported Bridges

    Different Types of Dental Crowns

    • Ceramic Crowns
    • Porcelain-fused-to-metal Crowns
    • Gold Alloy Crowns
    • Base Metal Alloy Crowns

    Different Types of Dental Crowns


    Dental crowns can be made of a variety of metals, including gold, palladium, nickel, and chromium. In terms of wear down, metal crowns last the longest and need the least amount of tooth removal. They also seldom chip or shatter. They can also withstand forces from biting and chewing.

    PFM porcelain fused metal crown

    The gold standard for fixing broken teeth has always been porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns. PFM crowns provide appropriate aesthetic outcomes, good mechanical features, and the acceptable biological characteristics required for periodontal health. PFM crowns, however, have several drawbacks that might restrict usage.

    All Resin (temporary) crown

    The word “all resin” crown refers to a crown that is entirely made of resin. In addition to being known as “composite resin” crowns, all resin crowns are also known as “composite resin” crowns because they are formed of composite resin, which is a mix of plastic-like materials that is colour matched to natural teeth.

    Direct Metal laser sintered crown

    DMLS is a manufacturing technology that uses 3D CAD data to produce intricate 3D components without the need for any machining. Materials, energy, and CAD models are the three inputs needed by DLMS. The substance is a working material made of powder. The main component in MLS crowns is a chrome-cobalt alloy.

    All Ceramic - Zirconia & E max

    Zirconia crowns are less transparent than E-max crowns. Greater light transmission is possible due to the ceramic material. That is a significant benefit for making teeth look as natural as feasible. Front teeth that are naturally thin and less opaque are great candidates for the material.

    Is Tooth Cap treatment good for teeth?

    On teeth that are fractured or that have had root canal therapy, dental caps are affixed. This is due to the fact that caps not only make your smile look better but also strengthen and support your teeth. Parts of a shattered tooth can also be held together by caps.

    DOs and DON'Ts Regarding Dental Crowns


    • It is crucial to maintain proper oral hygiene because the natural teeth are still present beneath the crown and are susceptible to decay. Regular brushing, rinsing, and flossing should be practised.
    • It is advisable to use a mouthguard if you grind your teeth since it protects the crown and prevents tooth wear.
    • Only get crowns fitted by a dentist with experience installing dental implants. The lifespan of crowns can be shortened by improper installation.
    • To ensure that your oral health is receiving the finest care, see your dentist every six months.


    • Avoid eating sticky food, chewing hard candy, or ice.
    • Avoid eating anything that is overly hot or cold because it may make you more sensitive.
    • Stop using your teeth as tools because doing so will put pressure on the crown and harm it.

    Why to choose ToothFix?

    One of the most common restorations we put is a crown or bridge, of which millions are now being worn worldwide. These days, dentists have stunning, realistic-looking, and invisible materials at their disposal. Since we have inserted hundreds of bridges throughout the years, you may be confident that your repair will fit comfortably, look gorgeous, and support your ability to eat properly.

    Frequently asked questions

    The thickness of the crown that will be fitted will be the same as the amount of tooth substance that is removed. To prevent the crown from becoming dislodged, tooth preparation is done to achieve the best possible occlusal and axial reduction. Before preparing the teeth, anaesthetic is given, so the treatment is not uncomfortable.
    A crown is a complete covering that restores the tooth’s enamel layer. Crowns are typically constructed of porcelain, metal, or ceramic material. It is cemented on top of a sound, rooted tooth that requires bolstering and defence. A bridge is a dental appliance that employs two crowns to cover a gap left by a missing tooth. The two nearby teeth, known as the abutments, are covered by the crowns. An artificial tooth that blends in with the rest of your smile serves as the pontic, or centre, of the bridge.
    If you take care of your teeth, a Dental crown or bridge treatment may last for as long as 15 years or even more. But don’t worry; your dentist can redo the crown or bridge when the time comes, extending your time with your beautiful smile by at least 15 years.
    Maintaining good dental hygiene is crucial, so make sure to brush and floss twice daily. Be careful not to break the healing by chewing on crunchy things like

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